Fantasy novels are so famous because they allow human imaginations to go wide without any limits. In these novels, the imagination is not only of the writer but the reader’s imaginations also wander into different world. There are no limitations in imaginations so people love to read fantasy novels, as fantasy is more exciting than reality. The most famous fantasy novels of all time are “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien“Harry Potter” by J.K. Rowling“The Chronicles of Narnia” by C.S. Lewis“Alice in Wonderland” by Charles Lutwidge and the most recent of them “The Twilight Saga” by Stephenie Meyer. All these novels have become famous among people of all ages. The thing that makes these novels so famous and different from other fantasy novels is that in these novels, authors have created whole different world through their imaginations. These are far from reality so people loves to read them.

These imaginative characters and stories are far from reality people can hardly relate themselves to the characters, they can relate few characteristics of the hero or heroine but overall the characterization is total fantasy and not present in real world; then why people loves to read fantasy novels? Why they treat these characters as their heroes rather than people in real world? The answer is very simple, these stories give power to the readers in imagining anything they want, and the characters in these novels have all the qualities that people lack in real world, so people find every good thing in these novels and the most important is that good always beats evil in these novels, which give some hope to the people; that it will happen in real world as well. Hope is the thing which has made human survive, so giving hope to people is the key of gaining their trust.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5916045